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Introduction to Shamanic Journeying

This course will introduce you to the practice of shamanism and the Shamanic Journey. The basic shamanic journey technique allows the journeyer to receive direct revelation from Spirit. A direct connection with Spirit is the birthright of every human and the shamanic journey is one of the most ancient and reliable forms of forging this connection. Once connected with Spirit within the journey state of consciousness, the journeyer can find healing, protection, and a continual source of guidance.

I hold monthly Journeying circles as well for continued support and connection.

This course will be offered both in studio and live online via Zoom
Date: Sunday February 11th 2024 10:00am-5:30pm EST
Fee: $177

In the 1st half of the class we learn the foundation and explore the Lower World.

In the 2nd half we build on that foundation and explore the Upper World.

The class will be recorded and available for review by participants for 3 months.


This is a great opportunity to:

  • Learn to communicate directly with your power animals and spirit guides.

  • Learn to communicate directly with your soul parts for health, wholeness, and integration.

  • Brush up on your journey skills. Never hurts to review these practices.

  • Begin to learn the art of crafting powerful journey questions.

  • Learn to use your journeys to access self-healing and personal empowerment.

  • Be inspired to a regular practice of connection with Spirit and Nature.


​NOTE: If you have tried to learn to journey before and feel that you "failed" or that "nothing happened", we suggest the following:

  • Schedule a healing session with Nik before the class. Sometimes an energy healing is required to open the way for your natural ability to journey.

This is a Free 15 min audio track of drumming you can journey to anytime you wish



Journey drumming 15min

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